Thursday, June 4, 2009

A General Letter to Professors Everywhere

Dear Professors:

When you are putting together your syllabus, please put accurate information regarding what books and articles your students need. If, for example, your syllabus says that your students need Emergency Medicine Manual: A Comprehensive Study Guide, but that book doesn't exist, I'm a little stuck. If Emergency Medicine Manual exists, and Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide exists, but I don't know which one you're talking about, I can't do my job as well as I'd like. Also, please check your spellings of author names and, for that matter, your authors. If the author of the book is not so-and-so, please do not put that as the author, as it will confuse both me and your students.

I realize that you are extraordinarily busy. I was a teacher: trust me, I know. But please, take a little extra time to check your syllabus. I understand that typos happen: those aren't what worry me, as your students and I can figure out what you mean when spelling errors exist. But please, make sure you're giving correct information about what books your students need.

Thank you.

Your Librarian

1 comment:

  1. Professors plan out what they're going to teach? From some of mine, I assumed that they just winged it. :)
