Thursday, April 30, 2009

Being "in Progress"

When I was working toward my MAT, we were frequently told that we weren't going to be done learning how to be a teacher when we graduated. We weren't going to be done learning how to be a teacher after five years in the profession. And if we were good teachers, we would never be "done" learning how to be a teacher. I don't know whether that's the case in all professions (it probably is), but I am increasingly certain that it's the case in librarianship. With all the new databases, all the new books, all the rapid development of knowledge can we ever be anything but "in progress"?

But really, I suppose that rather gets to the heart of why I want to be a librarian. One of the fantastic things about working in a library is being asked questions which you don't have answers to, so you have to go find the answer and do research which you never would have done on your own. To be good at your job, you need to learn how to do your job better with the ever-changing available resources to get more information for the people asking you the questions. That was a little roundabout, wasn't it? My point is, if you're good at your job, you're never done learning how to be good at your job.

I am a librarian in progress. And I hope to be good enough at my job to always be that way.